Resensation Blog

Changing the paradigm of breast reconstruction

where to find breast cancer support groups

No breast cancer diagnosis is the same. Here’s how and where to find the supportive communities you need.

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15 Tips for Cancer Treatment & Travel

Cancer treatment is a journey in and of itself. Check out these tips to help simplify your travel plans.

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Nerve regeneration after breast reconstruction with resensation®

Healing after breast reconstruction with Resensation is different for everyone. Here’s what to expect.

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how resensation® helped one woman love life again

Christine assumed numbness would be a part of life post-mastectomy. Resensation showed her, you don’t have to accept the inevitable.

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Building community when diagnosed with breast cancer

Building a supportive community when diagnosed with breast cancer or BRCA is vital. Here are tips to get started.

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Resensation patient
real talk about breast cancer and resensation®

We’re here for you with some real talk about what it’s like having breast cancer, and the Resensation technique.

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Mother and daughter hugging
breast cancer, COVID and the holidays

Breast cancer, COVID and the holidays aren’t a great mix. But here’s what you can do.

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Woman smiling into mirror
accepting your body post-mastectomy

Body acceptance after mastectomy is a long journey. We have some ways to cope and love the new you.

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Woman talking on cell phone by window
Showing up for loved ones with breast cancer during COVID

Supporting a loved one with cancer during COVID looks different. Here’s how you can continue showing your support.

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Resensation Elizabeth Chestnut
making your voice heard during your breast reconstruction journey

One breast cancer survivor’s story shows how choosing Resensation® impacted her life and how women can advocate to get the…

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Resensation advocating for yourself
being your own advocate for better breast cancer treatment options

Dr. Peled helps us understand why numbness happens and how you can advocate for better breast cancer treatment options.

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Resensation juggling parenthood and BC
juggling parenthood and breast cancer treatment

Your parental responsibilities don’t end with a breast cancer diagnosis. Balance both and be an awesome parent with these tips.

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Resensation Caregiver
becoming a caregiver

The role of caregiver is a tough job. Here are a few tips to make it easier.

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breast cancer disparities black women face
understanding the breast cancer disparities black women face

Black women are more likely to die from breast cancer than other women. Here’s what we can do about it.

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building yourself up when you feel down about your breast cancer diagnosis

Here are some quick and easy ideas for building yourself up when your diagnosis has you feeling down.

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how to ask for the help you need

Asking for help after a breast cancer diagnosis isn’t easy. Here are five tips for getting the help you need.

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coping with breast cancer during COVID-19

For many breast cancer patients, COVID-19 has added yet another layer of uncertainty. Coping with this stress can be vital…

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moving from breast cancer survivor to thriver

Shifting from survivor to thriver is a big step. One everyone arrives at in their own time.

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