So many who go through the breast cancer journey or a BRCA diagnosis have the most encouraging words and inspiring stories to share. And those words can help so many who may be just beginning their story, feeling lost and confused about what their lives will look like from this moment forward. That’s why we reached out to you, our Resensation® community. Because who better to help those who want and need encouragement than those who know what they’re going through.
what is the most important piece of advice you have for those starting their breast cancer journey?
“Don’t be afraid. Easier said than done, of course, but knowledge is power. Get as many informed inputs and opinions from trusted professionals as possible and remember there are advances every day. If I hadn’t spoken to multiple doctors, I would never have come across my magnificent surgeon who routinely includes Resensation in procedures for candidates with the right criteria.” – Tara
“Patience and letting others care for you—those were the hardest to learn for me.” – Jessica
“Find yourself a medical care team that you can openly communicate with. I felt overwhelmed with the sudden rush of appointments, the amount of information I had to absorb, and the many procedures and tests I had to prepare for. It brought me peace knowing that I could discuss my concerns with any member of my team. We developed a relationship of trust that I could lean into, whether we hit a happy highpoint or a concerning low. My team strengthened my confidence as I moved through each stage of my treatment.” – Christine
what is the most important advice you received when you started your journey?
“For your body: Just move in some way every single day. I always felt so much better after I got up and just moved. For your spirit, have the grace to acknowledge all of your emotions and not feel like you have to hide them. You may need a moment or two to express and display your sadness, your grief, your fear, your frustration. Take those moments. I felt my strongest after I was honest about how I was truly feeling. It felt freeing to know I could be and share all of me.” – Christine
“Take control of your treatment plan. Never be afraid to get a second or third opinion. If you don’t understand, make them explain until you do. You and your family will be way more confident about it all.” – Diane
“I was told not to try to be a superhero. Do only what your body allows from you and don’t push it. You know when you need rest to recharge. It’s okay to not be able to do everything you could before being diagnosed.” – Toni
how did your diagnosis impact your outlook for the future?
“My BRCA positive diagnosis made me realize that I was being invited to take part in my own health advocacy in a big way, in a way that my mother and grandmother and aunts had no opportunity for in their battles. The actions that I took to mitigate my risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer have given me great agency in my own health journey. Though I am scared sometimes, looking ahead at what could happen, I know that I have done everything in my power to ensure my health and personal homeostasis remain solid. The BRCA diagnosis has meant empowerment to me.” – Tara
“Positivity is the key. It makes you no longer sweat the small stuff. You just ride the rollercoaster of life for what it is worth.” – Toni
“After my diagnosis I was very scared about a lot of things, but as I educated myself, I realized that in order to survive I had to be strong and fight. Once I was in that mode of thinking, the fear was not as intense.” – Gwynne
what impact did loss of chest sensation have for you?
“Luckily I did Resensation. Right after surgery you have complete numbness from the belly button up. I could not feel the hot water, hugs, or any form of touch or stimulation to the breast or nipples. I remember thinking that women who do not decide to do Resensation or who are unaware of it will live like that for a very long time. It was very exciting to know that my feeling would eventually come back.” – Toni
“One of my fears was loss of chest sensation. I have to be honest—I was not thrilled with the thought of losing my ability to feel anything more than pressure. When I was told about the Resensation surgery, it was like my prayers had been answered.” – Gwynne
“I felt as though I had lost more than just my breast. I also had a loss of my womanhood and sensuality and of who I was.” – Diane
how has resensation changed the way you’ve thought of breast cancer?
“I rate the advent of Resensation right up there with the BRCA mutation test and other highly important advances in the fight against breast cancer. Resensation has brought me closer to feeling like my old self…closer to experiencing and interacting with my environment in a more confident, immersive way!” – Tara
“Resensation has allowed me to have a double mastectomy and feel like I have not lost anything. My breasts look and feel like they did before surgery. I feel like my old self.” – Toni
“It has not changed the way I feel about breast cancer—it is still a disease I do not wish on anyone. What Resensation has done for me is let me have a life with breast cancer. Resensation has brought me back to life, given me a new path to show others there is a new way to live with this disease and we do not have to feel like we are in ‘pieces’ or ‘disconnected’ with our bodies. We can have a life again after breast cancer.” – Jessica
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